Saturday, October 18, 2008

two types of shame

Healthy nourishing shame and toxic shame.Healthy shame is an emotion that signals our limit.It is an energy in motion to meet our basic needs.One of this basic need is the structure that give us form and boundary for our own safety and for proper use of our energy.It keep us grounded and signal us that we can have mistakes and that we need help.It gives us permission to be human.Toxic shame is an excruciating experience of unexpected exposure of the believed failure of self to the self.It is a deep cut from the inside.We disown ourselves.It is a feeling of being isolated and alone in a complete sense.One experience oneself as untrustworthy.One has inner torment, a sickness of the soul.It is internal bleeding.There is shame about shame.People will admit guilt ,hurt or fear before they admit shame.
ORIGINS/DESCRIPTION: abortive development such as shame based model, abandonment trauma, shame images interconnected
RESPONSIBILITY AND POWER:NO responsibility, no power, incapacity
FELT SENSE:I'm a mistake.It's hopeless.I'm no good.I'm worthless
FAULT:fault of being defective as a person
MORALITY GOODNESS: I'm bad, no good, inadequate
BOUNDARY: no boundary,nothing about me is okey
SPORTS ANALOGY:violation of the game, failure to attain goal, life never reaching end zone
ORIGINS/DESCRIPTION:develops early, 15months-3 years
POWER/RESPONSIBILITY:limited power and responsibility comes by knowing limits
FELT SENSE:I can and will make mistake that can be remedied
FAULT:limits of being,fault of natural finitude
MORALITY AND GOOD NESS:i'm good but limited-permission to be human
BOUNDARY:core boundary
SPORTS ANALOGY:violation of the rules : simple infraction, too much time

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