Monday, November 3, 2008

San Roque,Paombong ,Bulacan

The Street

This is the pond in San Roque that separates it from Barrio Malumot

The Homes of Sta Ana Family
This is the house of the brother of my grandmother,the late Tata Berio Sta Ana.His wife was the late Nana Esang,who was a good dressmaker of her time in this side of the province.That was why my cousin,Susan have a lot of gowns.She was her doll.I stayed in their house a lot because of the food.Andang Berio and Nana Esang had two kids-Tata Maning who was married to Nana Rosa, and Tata Doming who was married to Nana Tessie.Tata Maning was closed to my papa and so he made papa the godfather of ate Susan. He prepared gourmet of foods whenever papa came home.I love their cooking.Nana Tessie has a house at the back.She makes the best halohalo in this side of the country if not the whole country

House of Cabigao family- relatives of my cousins Odie,Vilma,Edgar and Gina on their maternal side

The small Church or Visita where my grandmother had a lot of activities w/ her friends like the Andang Esang who happened to be her sister in law

This is the Paombong Central School.My relatives call it eskwelahan.My papa graduated veledictorian here .Almost all relatives finished their grade school here.This was also where my relatives cast their vote during elections.They said that there were lots of elves playing here at midnight.A white lady also roamed around.

This is the house of my father's friends who are the owner of the canteen near the ASIS in National Center for mental Health.When I had my rotation as a clerk in Mental,my papa asked them to look after me.

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