Friday, January 2, 2009

For the Men I Love

There were three men that influenced what I was,what I am, and what I will be. Of course,first was my doting abuelo ,Pedro Calayag (Amang Pendong) introduced me to Jesus.He taught me how to pray as a child.He taught me history, culture , politics from the very time I started to understand things.He may be the reason why I can live only with AM radio and news all day if there is no other entertainment.Who can forget the talamindo and Juicy Fruit Gum?Michelle and I won't.
The first thing my papa (Matias Calayag)taught me was how to cross the road.He said that I should look on the left and right sides of the road and looked at the traffic light.He was responsible why I cut classes.He said that there was no need for that if you read your books. He also said that I should know how to draw. I believed that what Almarie got from me was my artistic side.He made me love Math and Physics.I really solved the problems with him in my mind. There was a time when I told my self that I would marry only an engineer.Ha!ha!ha! That was why I was so in love with a first love and someone I dated in med school who were engineers. And of course, from whom did I get my taste in music? It is from papa who sang Sinatra in public.Both of us love Perry Como, Elvis, the Beegees,the Beatles, Madonna and Engelbert Humperdick! Those songs I sang with my friends in Island Cove and Planet Music, and in the parties I went with my loving husband. My papa loves to work and perhaps that is why I love my job. I just told Alvin mi amore that my work is Me. I miss papa and the way he danced every time he played and joked with us.My Almarie got that from him and those expressive eyes!That was one of my reasons why I cried when Almarie died. She was a little girl with papa's face and behaviour. And of course, from whom did I get the love of shopping?My papa!!

... who else do make difference in me? who made me cry, live,laugh ,love, hope...??!!!Siempre, who hurt me a lot and with whom I have faced a lot of obstacles?Who do I love so much that I can't bear being away from him so long? Of course,the only man I married,Alvin Ang.Ha!ha!ha! We are fools. We are a bunch of dare devils in our own realm.We are rebels without a cause.The best thing he brought to me were our babies. My world stopped when we were apart.If we were not speaking to each other,I stopped to sing songs and life,there was no purpose for me to live!I can't bear watching and reading love stories because I felt that there is no reason to love and see beauty in any thing.Love songs destroyed my spirit if he is away.

For the three of them, this is my song..."> name="movie" value=""> name="wmode" value="transparent">